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Japanese Release only – good luck hunting this out if you dont live in Japan. There will be a limited number available via Renegade Masters and Scotch Bonnett for Europe and the UK. More info soom.

 RENEGADE MASTERS WEAR - Hoodies & T-Shirts In Shop

Yes finally we have Renegade Hoodies and T-shirts for our Renegades

Check this out and order at the shop, limited stocks available


Hear your commander singing a sweet lament in the theme tune for upcoming movie (Defo a B movie) starring Dolph Lungren and Cuba Gooding Junior called ‘One in the chamber.’ I didn’t get to meet them but they get to hear me so lucky them. Needless to say I won’t be at the opening ceremony since I didn’t get invited and id be a bad anti celebrity guest anyway as I’d turn up dressed like a jakey and slag off the red carpet tottering, Dolce and Banana wearing array of stilt balancing pageant beggars as numpties who should get a grip when really I would be the numptie there. The unwashed, unglamorous, unkempt opinionated, inappropriate oddity but at least I didn’t pay an arm and a leg for the cloth that maintains my decency. I buy my clothes second hand at Oxfam and im proud if you could tell that. I think that makes me smarter but fk what I or anyone thinks about anything…we’re all here just trying to figure it out.


Renegade Enforcer and Keith Laziq have been jetting about the globe with your commander with a massive live set up coupled with a maschine controlled dj set with a sweet selection of tracks from the back catalogue not to mention a vast selection of new bassterds to rinse hard on the subideedubs we come across. Check here for all the current dates and start marching to the frontline to greet your commander and join it for a smoke. For all the shows made so far…we thank you good people from the tippity tops of our meagre hearts to the bottom of our stoned souls for your luminescent brilliance in coming to share a message, philosophy, sound, passion and a truth that always unites us all together on one Renegade Vibration.

Let the source be with you

Your commander
Signing out with love
Soom T
Renegade Masters

The great Earl Nightingale // The Strangest Secret in the World

Maxwell Egan// The Awakening




I was requested to do my favourite tunes of all time. It was hard but I managed to do one that suits me for now.

SOOM T'S TOP TEN >> check it out here>> mag

Translation: The 12″ is now oot and ready to soak your system in thick bass. Each tune grumbles like the belly of a starving elephant with 5 tunes ready to kill your sound with no mercy, taking no prisoners and leaving all killed!!! The next update will on the records stance will be in 6 months and the chance of there being any records surviving in the next short while is non existent. So get yours now or they will all be gone and you will be crying into your camping stove. Click HERE to buy now and don’t forget that you can also buy it digitally from all good digital sites.


Bomb: The Source – What Have I Done EP
Time: August 29th 2011 at 1200 hours.
Operation: 12″ with 5 Onslaughts – no prisoners taken.
Debrief: 6 months
Possibility of survivors: None

Your Renegade Commander will be touring the globe, spreading the Renegade Philosophy, distributing our weapons (these are the trueest of weapons and weapons of the mind) recruiting potential soldiers to the movement, inspecting possible targets and instigating rescue missions so to join the army, be debriefed by the commander, show your support or attempt an assasination go HERE to discover the locations.


We would like to welcome the following to the global Renegade Army who are now working undercover to support the aims of our mission. Bless them and their bravery.

We salute you.

Cadet King (Leeds. England)
Cadet Therese (Hönefoss, Norway)
Cadet Jack (Cheltenham, England)
Cadet Oliver (Oldenburg, Germany)
Cadet Stefan (Bonn, Germany)
Cadet Leonardo (Rio Di Janeiro, Brasil)
Cadet Martin (Villeurbanne, France)
Cadet Ismaele (Lausanne, Switzerland)
Cadet Andy (Montana, USA)

If you would like to join the Renegade Army brave jedi warrior type (Street Team) scroll down for the previous news and inspect the criteria.

Expect further communciations soon. All we ask is that you keep all channels open at all times to ensure contact. Until such times Renegade Brethren around the globe.

May the Source be with you!!!

One Love Renegade Salute
Soom T
Your Renegade Commander
Signing Out

Renegade Masters at the National Museum Of Scotland //

Check it out HERE

Your Commander can be viewed chatting in a pre recording at an on going exhibition titled ‘Sounds Global’ at the National Museum of Scotland in Edinburgh in conjunction with the World Cultural Olympiad (NOTE: This doesnt mean i specifically support it but felt it a worthy opportunity to present the philosophy of musical activism and why one might be passionate about it) beginning in July and running for 3 months making Renegade Masters and the work of all music activists a now bona fide historical event to be forever encapsulated within the Museum exhibition which also portrays the perspectives of Jethro Kinavuidi (Democratic Republic of Congo), Tawona and Ernest Sitholé (Zimbabwe), Valentina Montoyez Martina (Chile) and G-Code Music Group (Edinburgh).


Originated by multi talented and successful genius, pachamama theatre productions founder and award winning writer and director of internationally acclaimed ‘roadkill’ Cora Bissett, the play will begin its run at the Citizens Theatre in Glasgow in October 2012 to follow with a run at London Stratford East in 2013. Further info will be posted as and when it happens but meanwhile, keep your ears and eyes out for a heart warming triumph of the human spirit tale of young dreams, difficult lives and overcoming all with faith, unity and righteousness. It has been one battle but a victorious effort so far. We keep you posted.

As a special treat in conjunction with ‘Pachamama productions’ the Renegade camp will release this big beast in a tiny package on July 21st as a very limited 500 run only 7” vinyl single which will include the vocal version on the A side and the version on the B side. Produced by myself and co-composed with Glasgow Girls musical director and hero of a lassie Hilary Brookes, it’ll have you bringing your fold out just to get a seat at this miracle musical. Again, just digging out those mines and warming you up for what is to come. Check here for updates.

Since there is barely time to sit down and get these bombs dropped, to prepare two in one go seems a fair way to go. Higher hit rate and less work for later…I don’t think so. Anyhoo…here are 2 sweet treats in one go being released within weeks of eachother.

Your commander has been busy since June 2011 writing and producing a bundle of songs to be performed within a beautiful activist stage play musical based on a true story about a group of young children from Glasgow who defied the odds by building the largest every political campaign in aid of asylum seekers and refugees prompted by the detainment of their classmate and her parents for imminent deportation.

Renegade Masters and our allies at Pachamama productions & National Theatre Scotland.



The Masters have you. Yes indeed they do especially with this sweet summer anthem that’s sure to bring in the sunshine with a swinging titbit of tangy delight. ‘Summer Days’ produced by Jan Gleichmar with bass and keys played by Dirty Hari the sweet effort is sure to top off any self respecting bass night of fun and dizziness so butter up those fingers and get ready to slip this baby onto yer spinner n sizzle that stack till its smoking…so get it now or miss a whizzer. You know what to do.

The first LP from the Renegade Camp in conjunction with Sativa Records and Scotch Bonnett out of Scotlandia is a bomber heading straight for your subs and ready to smash it back into the vibration from whence it came.Yes comrades, tis here at last, the rocket launched school of beasts concocted by the wizarding minds of many topped with the wise, turbulent and revolutionary word magic of the hook-line sinker that will leave you gasping for breath, YT, Revolution Times. An album that needs no hyping, it storms in with a danceable instant hit giving a fresh outlook to changing times over a nice bass-melody driven reggae crumpet folding in neatly to Mungo Hifi produced ‘World News,’ a chant anthem with a dark rolling dubstep which resonates into the stream of consciousness holding the listener to bass ransom. Forward to reality swings in relentlessly keeping a nice groove ending Side A in true YT fashion with precious diamond to heal any wounds left by the first onslaught on this killer release.


Side B streams in introducing us to the partner voiceling on said track with a sweet barrage from Mr Williamz to add to the nicety of the message being delivered on Inner Heart production ‘Vex’ which rides in over a double skank smoothie complete with ambient stabs licking perfectly into the crowd pleaser ‘express yourself’ which has the soul delivery of a strawberry pie layered in manuka. ‘Crazy Journey’ which may easily refer to the previous songs on the album brings us on a high paced rodeo ride to make way for the vinyl albums closing tracks with a no holds barred onslaught of poetic reverence to honesty under a rumbling quaker that is sure to have you needing extra padding for your cell. Revolution Times, the 3rd LP from YT in conjunction with some of the hottest producers UK style leads us to the revolution in style, hope and hearty foot tapping. Don’t miss The Revolution Times from YT. It was made for you!!!

Copyright 2013 RM Records LTD - GLASGOW G3 - Company Number -  SC452406

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