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​In short, the music must be designed to a high standard, be original and in almost any genre especially if the generic field is not clearly designed but preferred genres are listed in the GENRES category.

The demo/s can be sent by e-mail to with individual MP3′s attached to the email, but preferably download links for dropbox if it's more than one track, neatly labelled in a ZIP File which should also include
An up to date biography
Any press and reviews you have received for any of your work
Discography (if you had previous releases)
Your contact information
Any other links to video or other media which supports the music.


​To ensure you are sending music which is suitable we advise you to:
Let others hear your music and gather some genuine critiques to ensure you highlight your strongest work.
Attempt to collect some written reviews as this helps wth defining the genre\s.
Send in finished tracks. A loop stretched out to 3 minutes is still just a loop.
Listen to your tracks on speakers other than those you used when you made them.
Listen to a wide range of other music.
Know that it is the music and the music alone which will be judged.
Find out who else releases music in the style that you make
Keep at it.
Whether Renegade Masters releases your music or not, you should continue to look for ways to get your work out there. We would be delighted to offer any advice or help you may need if you decide to enquire into releasing your own records. If your music is not suitable for the label now that does not mean what you make in the future will not be suitable for the label then so keep sending in your quality cuts. Renegade Masters are desperate for brilliant and inspiring music to release and to help the makers of such great music.
Thanking You Kindly
Renegade Masters



May the source be with you!!!

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