Renegade Masters is interested in hearing music within the following genres which adheres to elements of the remit below :-
-Experimental Punk
-8 Bit
… & Electronic new sound
If you create your own sounds by modifying or building your own equipment we would be greatly interested in hearing what you come up with and of course anything which is generically undefinable.To discover and release musical art which adheres to some or all of the principles below so that which:
​-Produces a powerful emotive effect​
-Posesses an empowered sound
-Inspires dedicated right action
-Oozes originality
-Is generically undefinable
-Presents wisdom pertaining to positive living
-Has a firm and simply presented political message
-Has a daring or controversial outlook
-Balances it’s own vision with the vision of Renegade Masters
-Is simple but highly effective
-Is electronically generated unless it adheres to 5 of the other missions
-Is heroically excellent
-Is unreleased
-Can coin a new generic field
-Is melodically groundbreaking​
We treat out artists:
-With the greatest respect
-like family
-with a personal yet professional touch
-As entities we are responsible for assisting in gaining success for their musical endeavours