Gari Biasillo. A young whizzkid with nothing but a sharp mind and 5 1/4 Floppy in his pocket at only 16 attends an interview for a position at Interceptor Micros laying the base for what was to become a multi billion dollar industry. If you don’t know his name, you should for this tech wizard played a pivotal role in the creation of the C64 movement of the 80′s representing as a fine chunk of solid gold we are proud to have dug up from the history of gaming which also includes some of the now historical 8 Bit music that was pioneered by the true creators of the crushing sound now soaking our speakers with his soundtrack to computer game ‘Target Renegade’ (which I played as a 9 year old and never forgot such was the power of this track) which now holds a firm position in the top 5 of the gamers ‘all time classic soundtracks’ ever!!! After digging it out over 20 years later, I was proud to record an onslaught and send it to the foundation layer who over many emails was able to outline just how the industry began and grew. This is the same industry which helped to aid the creation of many popular programs we all use today like Ableton, Cubase and Logic which was once begun by whizzkids like our true Renegade, Gari Biasillo.